Category: DS106

What’s in my cryptozoology backpacking backpack?

So, what’s in my cryptozoology backpacking backpack? Well, in no particular order… Here is my backpack: It’s a Osprey Aether AG 70 Pack. It is my largest, most expensive backpack. I do have smaller packs as well, but this is the one I use for longer trips. This is my...
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Beware the Bunyip!

So, for this assignment, I had to create a wanted poster. In the assignment description, it says that “It can be a danger that isn’t ever present, like the lochness monster”, which is absolutely perfect for this theme. I decided to go with the bunyip, as I mentioned it...
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The Cat of Many Nicknames

So, for this assignment, I had to make a collage of my pet. I have 2 cats and a dog. This is a collage for my cat Oreo So, the top picture of her is on my pillow. Both cats love my pillow. As a cat owner, you just...
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From the Sun-Everything

“It’s the circle of life!” Using the website, I created this abstract art. Since I cannot do anything without thoroughly thinking it through, this picture does have meaning. It starts with the yellow-the sun-which gives energy through photosynthesis to plants and provides warmth to the world. It is...
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A cryptozoologist’s sticky notes

P.S. If you can’t see the text clearly, zoom in. I used, and this is the largest I was able to make this picture So, for this assignment, I thought it would be a good one to incorporate my character into. She live a full and interesting life....
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A Photography Noob

I have to admit-I am not very skilled at photography! I don’t have much photography experience, not even an elective class in middle or high school. Back in late elementary school into early middle school, I used this little red Canon digital camera to take photos and videos. I...
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Lost Tapes Chupacabra-Just as Scary now?

When I was growing up, I was a bit of a scaredy-cat. One of the shows that scared me the most, even though I adored the show and watched it often, was Lost Tapes. One of the episodes in particular, Chupacabra, really made me not sleep at night. Why...
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This is the time for caution, but not for fear.

Splashing water is heard coming from the nearby swamp. Footprints of three humans walk alongside that of a single strange set walk together from into the distance, diverging when they get near, with the three human tracks heading over to a nearby tree, while the single track continues to...
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My Character-Maria Segreti

A phone rings, cutting into the quiet air. A woman looks up from reading, closing the worn, yellow-paged book with care before looking at the name on the screen. She smiles and holds the phone to her ear. “Hello, Thiago! How are you?” “I’m doing well, too. I’ve just...
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Pounding on the Door

Hoofs beat against the worn dirt of a path in sharp contrast to the silence of the night, stopping at the thatched house at the end. Two riders depart from their horses and, scuttling quickly like crabs, pound on the wooden door. The inhabitants, blissfully asleep, wake in fright, fearfully looking...
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