Tag: AudioAssignments

A Windy Radio Show Bumper

Here’s the bumper I made for our radio show! First, I typed up what I was going to say. This was fairly straightforward, once my group decided on an idea and a name. I looked at each of our characters to decide how general or specific I could be,...
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Yowie Call

As with the last post, I decided to work on my radio show when my group was still deciding on the parts such as the bumper, etc. I decided to work on another noise in the story that is not the background, as while the noise comes from somewhere...
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A Hike in Australia

Since my group was still deciding details about who does what, set-up, etc. I decided to start working on assignments for stars. I decided, since I wasn’t sure what I was going to do for the group, I might as well start working on my story segment. My character...
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A Mysterious-Sounding Radio Bumper

So, I neither listen to the radio often nor have ever created a radio bumper, so this was all new to me! The wording wasn’t hard to think up, as I have heard enough radio in my life to think of what to say. The hardest part was getting...
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A Ghostly Siren

The Noise I Made: The Original Audio I used: So, for this assignment, I used my roommate’s electric pencil sharpener as the noise to change. Not only is it something we all recognize (I’m everyone has heard an electric pencil sharpener), but it is a steady noise, which makes...
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A Dorm Room’s Symphony

For creating this assignment, which is creating a place just using sound, I decided to take inspiration from real life and make my dorm room. How I came up with that, I have no idea. Perhaps its because I was sitting in my room when thinking of ideas. I...
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A Quiet Office On A Rainy Day

This story was actually told a different way earlier this semester, in my post introducing my character Maria Segreti. I the post, I described using words. Writing, out of all the options, is definitely my medium, so I wanted to challenge myself to try and describe the story a...
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A Froggy Tongue Twister

Words: A tree toad loved a she-toad, Who lived up in a tree. He was a two-toed tree toad, But a three-toed toad was she. The two-toed tree toad tried to win, The three-toed she-toad’s heart, For the two-toed tree toad loved the ground, That the three-toed tree toad...
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