My Dream Vacation-A European Tour of Heritage and Architecture!
Pinterest it is based off of:
The blog post for the Pinterest assignment detailing all the legs of the trip:
So, this was a process. A long, long process…
For this assignment, I had to make a video about the places that you want to go. Seems simple enough, right? So, back in the second week of school, I made a similar thing, but it was on Pinterest. I decided to take that, and the long write-up I did about it, and make a video.
So, I went through the blog post and looked at everything I had talked about. I mentioned 5 countries or areas of the world-UK and Ireland, France, Italy, and Poland and Ukraine. Since I had lumped UK and Ireland together in the post, they were lumped together in the video. Why I didn’t do that with Poland and the Ukraine I don’t know. I went on Google and searched for “labelled for reuse” images (don’t want copy-right! That’s why I didn’t use the images from Pinterest). Originally I was going to do 12 pictures per section, but I realized that meant 60 citations, which I did NOT want to do. The video would also be very long then. I chose pictures that were things I mentioned in my blog post, such as churches, architecture, culture, etc. For the UK and Ireland section, since I was doing 5 pictures, I chose a picture from each country in the UK and Ireland: (In order of how I put them in) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland.
Once I had all of my pictures, I put them the Photos app and then into a new project. As with before, I used a plain black picture to be the base for my intro pictures. I went through and for each location/section I wrote the intros, then wrote the captions for each picture. I tried to vary what I said with using different verbs and such, since I have never pictures of churches, castles, etc. I used the “Chilled” font, as I did with another assignment I did this week, since I like how it changes the pictures to a more tan color, which I think matches the pictures more.
Then, I hit a snag. The assignment says to “add music that is native to the that area or just something fun”. I really wanted to add music that was representative of the various countries. I tried to find folk songs, but couldn’t find any way to download them legally and freely. So, I decided on their national anthems. I found the anthems on the CIA World Factbook. However, the Photos app only lets you have one music file. So, I decided to try and use Movie Maker 10.
I will liked the captions and intro/sections pictures that I had with the Photos app, but those weren’t on the actual pictures. So, I snipped (using the snipping tool) each picture as it was playing in the app and got a picture of it, which I placed in Movie Maker. Then, for each national, I downloaded the audio of their anthems and edited them to fit in time with the pictures. This took a while and a lot of tinkering-I had to edit Italy’s 8 times! I chose the beginnings of all of them, sand England’s drums, so they would all match and be fair, as I don’t know any of them well. The Republic of Ireland and Vatican City both get their owns, as they are countries and have their own national anthems, even if I am lumping them with other countries in their sections. Somehow, I think Ireland would take offense if I gave them England’s!
This took sooooo long!
Then, I wasn’t quite happy. Since the pictures were screenshots of what was in the app, the text didn’t move, which I had liked in the app. It just felt too static. Then, I realized that I could just add all of the anthems together in Audacity into one file. I did this, tinkering with it to fit the Photo app’s version of this assignment. Yeah, I wish I had thought of that first. At least not all the time was wasted, as I just reused the anthem files I had already made. Since the video with the pictures and all of the individual anthem files were already made, I just had to piece them together, so this didn’t take too long, luckily.
So, yeah, this assignment took forever to do, and then I had to do the bibliography/citations! While I like the finished product, wow, I am not sure if I ever want to do this again! It was satisfying, though, as fitting everything together was like doing a puzzle. A long, tedious puzzle…
This is the assignment that I made this for:
This is where I got the intro music:
Walk In The Park Full by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
This is where I got all of the anthems:
These are were I got the pictures from:
English: Arlington Row in Bibury, Gloucestershire was built in 1380 as a monastic wool store. The buildings were converted into weavers’ cottages in the 17th century.
Français : Une rangée de cottages à Bibury, un village des Cotswolds considéré par l’artiste et artisan William Morris lors de sa visite des lieux comme « le plus beau village d’Angleterre ».
Nederlands: Arlington Row in Bibury in Engeland werd in 1380 gebouwd als een klooster-wolwinkel. In de 17e eeuw werden de gebouwen verbouwd tot wevershuisjes.,_Fife.jpg
English: Newark Castle
John Allan / Newark Castle /
English: Pembroke Main Street from the castle
English: Gleno village Co. Antrim A very picturesque area.
Kenneth Allen / Gleno village Co. Antrim /
English: County Cork, St Finbarr’s Oratory.
Notre-Dame de Paris
No Attribution Required
Delicious Pastries
Français : Le manoir de Tarde, La Roque-Gageac, Dordogne, France
English: Catholic church of Darcey, Côte d’Or, France
Français : Eglise catholique de Darcey, Côte d’Or, France
Roma / Rome – Lazio – Italia / Italy
Source: Colosseum / Colosseo / Coliseum
Bert Kaufmann from Roermond, Netherlands
No Attribution Required
English: Assisi, San Francesco
Français : La Basilique Saint-François d’Assise.
Sicilian small village
Vatican City
English: Sautéed mushroom-filled pierogi sprinkled with chives
Polski: Podsmażane pierogi z grzybami posypane szczypiorkiem
Polski: oscypki
Pawel Swiegoda (Paberu)
Own work, share alike, attribution required (Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-2.5)
English: Wawel Cathedral in Kraków (Poland).
Italiano: La cattedrale del Wawel.
Polski: Bazylika archikatedralna św. Stanisława i św. Wacława przy Zamku na Wawelu w Krakowie.
Lestat (Jan Mehlich)
Lestat (Jan Mehlich) put it under GFDL and Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.5
English: Niedzica Castle, Niedzica-Zamek village, Nowy Targ County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Polski: Zamek w Niedzicy, Niedzica-Zamek, powiat nowotarski, Małopolska
Zygmunt Put Zetpe0202
Zalipie – malowana wieś / Zalipie – painted village
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland
English: Traditional Ukrainian Paska with a Trypillian pysanka and willow branches
Українська: Традиційна українська Паска з трипільською писанкою та вербою,_Kyiv_3.jpg
Українська: Костьол св. Миколая, Київ, Червоноармійська вул., 77
Fortress in Chocim, Ukraine seen at the front.
This is a photo of a monument in Ukraine, number: 61-220-0107
This is a photo of a monument in Ukraine, number: 61-220-0107
My Featured image is Konstantin Brizhnichenko image