A Windy Radio Show Bumper
Here’s the bumper I made for our radio show!
First, I typed up what I was going to say. This was fairly straightforward, once my group decided on an idea and a name. I looked at each of our characters to decide how general or specific I could be, and since the characters vary rather a lot, I went with more general.
Then, I recorded what I typed up. It did take a few tries, but there was no tongue twisters or anything else that was difficult to say, so overall it didn’t take long at all.
Then, I looked into music. This was the hardest part! First, I looked on Freesound.org. I was hard to search through everything, especially since I didn’t know what wording to use. Eventually I stumbled a sound, “Windsdown”, that I figured I could edit to make my intro and outro sounds for my bumper. When I downloaded it, I noticed that I had downloaded it before. It’s actually the same sound that I used for the entirety of my first bumper that I made. However, in that one, it used this sound for the entirety, while here I have other music for when I am talking. Due to that, this is also cut and faded in and out slightly different too. Since I couldn’t find any music that I liked on Freesound.org, I went to the YouTube Audio Library. There were so many options and filters! I decided that I wanted it bright and cheerful, and not too slow. With so many options. I actually struggled to find one. I somehow landed on “Trapped”, which I liked and downloaded. What was nice was that both of these don’t require attribution, so hopefully Soundcloud is OK with them.
For the music, I edited “Windsdown” but cutting much of the middle out, then fading the intro out so it would transition better to the music. For the music, I cut most of it, since it’s 3:25 minutes long, much longer than my bumper. I listened and found a section I liked, then cut around it. I made it also quieter to more easily hear my voice, and made my voice recording louder. I simply moved the intro, outro, and music around to fit with my voice recording. Since this was only a few sounds, not 9, it was not too bad!
I am ultimately happy with this bumper, though I am willingly to make changes to it to fit with everything else if needs be.
P.S. I called this “windy” because of the “Windsdown” sound I used!
This is the assignment that I made this for:
This is where my sounds came from:
This is where my Featured image is from: